Summertime is upon us, and Farmer Joe’s has the best of the best when it comes to produce. You can’t go wrong with any of our incredible options. The big question is, which produce is considered in-season during the summer? Buying produce that is in-season matters because produce that is considered “in-season” for the summertime will taste the very best for the next few months. At Farmer Joe’s, we are committed to making sure that you buy top-of-the-line, in-season produce this summer. Read on to learn more about which varieties of produce are the best to buy this summer:
There’s nothing better than a handful of fresh berries on a hot summer’s day. Farmer Joe’s carries the brightest, freshest, and best berries you’ll ever find at a local grocery store. We have everything from luscious red strawberries to vibrant, juicy blueberries. You can’t go wrong with picking these up on your next trip to Farmer Joe’s!
Corn is a summertime staple that is great on or off the cob. It seems fitting that the sunniest time of the year is best for sunshine yellow corn. Corn makes the perfect produce complement to any summertime barbecue or cookout. Your guests will rave about the sweet, golden vegetable you’re serving. Come on into Farmer Joe’s for the tastiest corn around.
Just the thought of cantaloupe on a hot summer’s day makes our mouths water. There’s nothing like a juicy slice or chunk of cantaloupe on a summer afternoon. At Farmer Joe’s, we offer cantaloupe that is grown and picked to perfection. You’ll want this delicious fruit in your home all summer long!
Whether they’re grape, cherry, or steak, nothing is better during the summertime than fresh, bright red tomatoes. We have the privilege of getting our tomatoes from a few different farms including Veneziano Farms, Ledesma Farms, Hanshaw Farms, Farmers Alliance, Oakes Farms, and Gargiulo Farms. Eat them whole, use them in your favorite sauce recipe, or as a garnish to any dish, and you’re sure to get good use out of Farmer Joe’s tomatoes this summer!
Nothing says summer like watermelon does. If summertime had a mascot, we think watermelon should be it! Picture it with us: you’ve had a long day laying in the sun by the pool, and all you want is a refreshing snack. You reach in your cooler for none other than a fresh, juicy watermelon that you just bought from Farmer Joe’s. Doesn’t that sound amazing?! It’s the perfect staple for all of your summer get-togethers, especially on the 4th of July. Watermelon and summer go together like the ocean and sand!
To round off this list of summertime produce, we couldn’t forget to talk about grapes! Grapes are another staple summertime fruit that’s sure to be a fan favorite amongst your family, friends, and summer party guests. They’re an easy grab-and-go kind of fruit that’s going to keep you satisfied and wanting more all summer long! Come and get yours at Farmer Joe’s.
Eating produce that is in season during summertime is going to make all of the difference when snacking or preparing meals this summer. You can’t go wrong with any of the items listed above. If you’re a fruit person, we highly recommend indulging in grapes, watermelon, tomatoes, cantaloupe, and berries this summer. Perhaps you prefer vegetables, so check out our golden yellow corn. If you enjoy it all, come and get it! At Farmer Joe’s, we pride ourselves on being able to sell the freshest, brightest, and best-tasting produce in all of Southwest Florida. Stop in and see for yourself!